Box of Birds
Information for Kindergarten and ELC leaders
“THE ARTS are the optimum way for tamariki in early childhood to engage in complex modes of thinking and abstract ideas.”
Te Whāriki - Kindergaten Association
“This was the best show that the centre has ever had. Lucky us to have it again!”
Lynda Godber, Supervisor, City Kids Childcare Centre, Feb 2022
“This is truly a New Zealand show for New Zealand children and all those young at heart”
Teachers pack
We provide a short document with some 'Pre-show preparation' ideas which encourage young tamariki to get the most from our visit, including topics such as:
The right tool for the right job!
What is your Favourite bird?
Patience and right timing.
Identifying local birds.
We set up in a small space 2m x 3m with children sitting on the floor in front.
All our music and percussion is live and we encourage lots of joining in with the rhythms and songs!
Length of show: 30 mins long
Set up time: 40 mins
Take down time: 20 mins.
‘Box of Birds’ embraces core principles that model the following behaviour:
Empowerment and holistic development
Relationship and Respect to whanau, particularly a Grandparent
Involvement with the Natural environment (including a night time forest walk)
Contribution to the environment
Care and Consideration particularly for ngā manu and their different needs.
From their experience of watching ‘Box of Birds’, children will have the opportunity to develop:
Cognition skills in following the simple story with different characters.
Participation and joining in the well-crafted songs and bird responses with a variety of live music and percussion and 4 songs.
Visual delight and Imagination - A Mask dancer, Puppetry of different scales and 4 set changes.
A Hand Crafted Aesthetic that creates some distance from digital technology and gives tamariki the opportunity to relax in a ‘real-time’ experience .